At last we reach natures bounty official...Summertime! Warmth and blossoming , birdsong and lucious fruits of the earth  bring abundance to our tables and life experience, out in the countryside. Make sure you wander through some untamed tracks or trails, smell the good smells, see the beauty in abundance, and allow yourself to embrace some free time, "living time" : it is our heritage to do so. Be kind to yourself...

Summertime in Chinese Medicine is Heart energy time... a time for abundance and joyous feelings, a time to expand , grow and blossom, the time to flourish! Its important to continue the active flow from Springs growth period, however we now should be able to balance that activity with some relaxation, some time "out" of the mind and body constant  activity, out of Winter, to now reach the turning point , from Yang expansion, now transforming slowly, over the Summer period, into Yin, allowing some reprieve:some  relaxation, and enjoyment, of the work achieved, at least of the efforts made. Time to reap what we have sewn..almost! Its not harvest time yet, but time to breath.

Open your lungs and your heart, enter the deeper senses to bring the conciousness into your daily life and lifestyle, while the portal is open! If we listen to mother Nature, she guides us through even turbulent and unusual times: the environmental changes are very apparent.... to enable us to gather the best from what is infront of us, at the moment, which now is the Solstice...the longest day light, longest day of the year, and the Super moon follows, the moon at its closest to the Earh this year: so the Earth and Moon are in their greatest abundance. The power of life, we can share it in this achknoledgement alone.  Put your mind in our heart and live in this abundance nature now offers. Breath in your life power. Think about what gives you that alive feeling...and do it. Be kind to yourself, enjoyment is a part of lifes experience. Be concious, of everything within your reach, and what is ours, alone. Thats Heart time. Now. In a world full of troubles, let us share the joy of life.