Just as the day begins with the dawn so YANG begins to rise,as sun rise, then afternoon and dusk, till night , YIN draws her partner, yang, below, to retire, in sunset. However, twelve hours divides into twenty four, and so then day can be called Yang and the night, its dynamic opposite, Yin.....

Likewise just as sunrise and sunset bring a different quality of energy to the day, each year also can be divided into the first Yang half and the following second half being Yin. The rise and fall of yearly energies. This year we are in the Chinese Year of the Snake, and having begun as Chinese New Year on 10th February 2013 , second new moon after the Winter Solstice we are still in its rise... So, do look at the years Horoscope I have provided on the website , and remember, August would be only the start of time in which we begin to see the fruits of our efforts this year, the hight of Yang and blossoming, turning into the time of harvest, and the Yin aspect of this year.