
At last we reach natures bounty ...it official...Summertime! Warmth and blossoming , birdsong and lucious fruits of the earth  bring abundance to our tables and life experience, out in the countryside. Make sure you wander through some untamed tracks or trails, smell the good smells, see the beauty in abundance, and allow yourself to embrace some free time, "living time" : it is our heritage to do so. Be kind to yourself...

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Just as the day begins with the dawn so YANG begins to rise,as sun rise, then afternoon and dusk, till night , YIN draws her partner, yang, below, to retire, in sunset. However, twelve hours divides into twenty four, and so then day can be called Yang and the night, its dynamic opposite, Yin.....

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Its Spring time, at last, and short Winter days turn longer and brighter to start a new cycle of life. Spring began 2ist of March actually, if followed  by the Chinese calendar, which is based on energetics and cycles of planetary great movements , as well as the astrological natural, star driven yearly laws of change, that the Gregorian calandar is governed by. However climatic changes in recent years, particularly, has changed our perception of the seasons. Only now can we really see and feel the benefits of Spring time; especially in the garden.Mother nature ensures the treasures in the vegetable garden give rise to our needs physically and emotionally, of the season. Spring time in Chinese medicine is time to nourish the Wood energy, related to muscles and ligaments, digestion and our blood quality...

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